
정신 과정의 동사 - 혁신과 창조를 나타내는 동사

여기서는 "invent", "concoct", "design"과 같이 혁신과 창조를 나타내는 몇 가지 영어 동사를 배우게 됩니다.









학습 시작
Categorized English Verbs Denoting Mental Processes
to coin

to create a new word, phrase, or expression

만들어 내다

만들어 내다

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to improvise

to create and perform words of a play, music, etc. on impulse and without preparation, particularly because one is forced to do so

음악적 즉흥 연주를 전달하다

음악적 즉흥 연주를 전달하다

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to innovate

to introduce new ideas, methods, or products to improve or change the current way of doing things

받아 들여 쓰다

받아 들여 쓰다

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to devise

to design or invent a new thing or method after much thinking



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to invent

to make or design something that did not exist before

뭔가를 발명하다

뭔가를 발명하다

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to patent

to obtain legal ownership and protection for an invention or innovation

...의 전매 특허를 얻다

...의 전매 특허를 얻다

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to create

to bring something into existence or make something happen

to design

to plan, create, or invent something



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to engineer

to design, build, or plan something systematically and skillfully, especially using scientific principles and technical knowledge

...공사를 감독하다

...공사를 감독하다

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to contrive

to cleverly come up with an idea, theory, or plan using creative thinking



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to formulate

to thoughtfully prepare or create something, paying close attention to its details



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to conceive

to produce a plan, idea, etc. in one's mind



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to come up with

to create something, usually an idea, a solution, or a plan, through one's own efforts or thinking

생각해 내다

생각해 내다

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to think up

to generate ideas or concepts, often in a creative manner

뭔가를 발명하다

뭔가를 발명하다

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to cook up

to make up something that is not true, like a story or excuse

안출해 내다

안출해 내다

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to concoct

to create something, especially using imagination or clever thinking

섞어서 만들다

섞어서 만들다

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to dream up

to come up with a creative idea, plan, or solution

to hit on

to suddenly have an amazing idea

에 명중

에 명중

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to conceptualize

to form an idea or concept in the mind by combining existing ideas or information

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여러 가지 아이디어를 결합하여 새로운 아이디어 만들기

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