이 부사는 "이미", "최근에", "오래 전에" 등과 같이 과거에 발생한 사건을 지칭하는 데 사용됩니다.
before the present or specified time
at a specific point or period in time previously mentioned
그때, 당시
between a particular time in the past and a later time or now
이래로, 부터
at or during a time that is not long ago
최근에, 얼마 전에
up to now or the time stated
아직, 여전히
up until the current or given time
아직, 까지
from the beginning or continuously throughout a period of time
처음부터, 내내
before an event or an action
미리, 사전의
at or during a time that is recent
새롭게, 최근에
at a time far in the past
옛날에, 오래전에
from a considerable time before the present or a specified time
오래 전에, 예전부터
on the day before the present day