여기서는 A2 학습자를 위해 준비한 "much", "many", "most" 등 수량에 관한 영어 단어를 학습합니다.
used to refer to a large degree or amount of a thing
많은, 대량의
used to indicate a large number of people or things
많은, 다양한
used to refer to the largest number or amount
대부분의, 최고의
used to suggest that something is smallest in amount or number
최소의, 가장 적은
used to refer to every number, part, amount of something or a particular group
모든, 모두
a small unspecified number of people or things
몇몇의, 소수의
used to refer to a number, amount, or degree that is bigger or larger
used to indicate a greater extent or degree of a particular quality
used to indicate a smaller amount or degree
to a smaller amount, extent, etc. in comparison to a previous state or another thing or person
덜, 더 적게
used to indicate a small degree, amount, etc.
작은, 조금
to a small extent or degree
조금, 약간
to a great extent or degree
아주, 매우
to the highest degree
to an extent that is more than enough
너무, 과도하게
to a degree that is high but not very high
꽤, 상당히
used to put emphasis on a statement
정말로, 실제로
more than average, but not too much
상당히, 어느 정도
(of a person) coming or acting before any other person
첫 번째의, 제일 첫 번째의
coming or happening just after the first person or thing
coming or happening right after the second person or thing
세 번째
to the greatest amount or extent possible
완전히, 전적으로
very much or to a great amount
그렇게, 매우
exceptionally large in degree or amount
거대한, 상당한
to a very great amount or degree
매우, 극도로
to some extent or degree
to the full amount or degree
완전히, totally
more than usual or greater than average
비정상적으로, 이례적으로
used to introduce two choices or possibilities
또는, 이거나