
일반 교육 IELTS (밴드 8 이상) - 음식

여기서는 General Training IELTS 시험에 필요한 Eating and Drinking과 관련된 영어 단어를 배우게 됩니다.









학습 시작
Vocabulary for General Training IELTS (8)
to quaff

to drink a large quantity of a liquid in a hearty, enthusiastic manner

무언가를 빠르고 완전하게 마신다

무언가를 빠르고 완전하게 마신다

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to imbibe

to consume or absorb liquids, especially beverages



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to chug

to consume a beverage, usually a carbonated or alcoholic one, quickly and in large gulps

빨리 마시다

빨리 마시다

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to partake

to participate in consuming food

함께 하다

함께 하다

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to tuck in

to eat with enthusiasm and hearty appetite

무언가를 열정적으로 먹고 있다

무언가를 열정적으로 먹고 있다

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to wolf

to eat something quickly and voraciously

식욕이 왕성해 뭔가를 먹고 있다

식욕이 왕성해 뭔가를 먹고 있다

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to chomp

to chew or bite down on something with a strong, audible, and repeated motion

뭔가 시끄럽게 씹는 중

뭔가 시끄럽게 씹는 중

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to swig

to drink something in one large gulp or swallow

한꺼번에 마시다

한꺼번에 마시다

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to gorge

to eat greedily and in large quantities

너무 많이 먹다

너무 많이 먹다

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to lap up

to consume a liquid or soft substance with enthusiasm, often using the tongue, as in the manner of an animal drinking or eating

다 핥아먹다

다 핥아먹다

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to nosh

to eat snacks or light meals

가벼운 간식을 먹고

가벼운 간식을 먹고

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to crunch

to crush or grind something loudly and noisily with the teeth

뭔가 시끄럽게 씹는 중

뭔가 시끄럽게 씹는 중

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