to drink a large quantity of a liquid in a hearty, enthusiastic manner
豪饮, 痛饮
to consume or absorb liquids, especially beverages
饮用, 吸收
to consume a beverage, usually a carbonated or alcoholic one, quickly and in large gulps
一口气喝, 大口喝
to participate in consuming food
参与, 分享
to eat with enthusiasm and hearty appetite
痛痛快快地吃, 大口吃
to eat something quickly and voraciously
狼吞虎咽, 狼吞
to chew or bite down on something with a strong, audible, and repeated motion
咬, 嚼
to drink something in one large gulp or swallow
大口喝, 痛饮
to eat greedily and in large quantities
狼吞虎咽, 大吃大喝
to consume a liquid or soft substance with enthusiasm, often using the tongue, as in the manner of an animal drinking or eating
热情地舔, 贪婪地喝
to eat snacks or light meals
吃小吃, 零食
to crush or grind something loudly and noisily with the teeth
嘎吱作响, 咀嚼