Academic IELTS 시험에 필요한 Space, Area 관련 영어단어를 배워보겠습니다.
possessing a great deal of space
넓은, 여유 있는
closely joined or connected
빡빡한, 단단한
(of a space) filled with things or people
붐비는, 혼잡한
(of a room, house, etc.) lacking enough space
비좁은, 좁은
restricted or limited in space, area, or movement
제한된, 갇힌
(of an area, space, etc.) confined or bordered on all sides
둘러싸인, 폐쇄된
small and efficiently arranged or designed
컴팩트, 소형
made narrower by applying more pressure
좁게 만든, 압축된
packed extremely tight within a space
가득 찬, 체결된
not enclosed or restricted
열린, 개방된
having a limited distance between opposite sides
좁은, 가까운