Academic IELTS 시험에 필요한 Value와 관련된 영어 단어를 배워보겠습니다.
extremely valuable and essential, to the point that the true worth of something is immeasurable
일급의, 값으로 매길 수 없는
having a high price
비싼, 고가의
worth a large amount of money
귀중한, 값비싼
having an expensive price
고가의, 비싼
having great value or importance
값을 매길 수 없는, 소중한
costing a lot of money
elaborate or luxurious, often beyond what is necessary or practical
호화로운, 화려한
having a low price
저렴한, 싸다
having a reasonable price
저렴한, 합리적인 가격의
costing a small amount of money
저렴한, 값싼
not having value, use, or importance
가치 없는, 무가치한
relatively cheap compared to others of its kind
저비용의, 저렴한
having no value
producing desired results through effective and efficient use of time, resources, and effort
생산적인, 실효성 있는