여기에서는 Basic Academic IELTS 시험에 필요한 Texture와 관련된 영어 단어를 배웁니다.
having an uneven or jagged texture
거친, 울퉁불퉁한
gentle to the touch
부드러운, 연한
very difficult to cut, bend, or break
having a thick consistency that clings to surfaces when in contact
끈적한, 접착성의
(of food) containing or cooked in a lot of oil
기름진, 기름띤
(of food) containing a lot of oil
기름진, 오일이 많은
having a surface that is even and free from roughness or irregularities
부드러운, 매끄러운
having a soft and compressible texture with pores
스펀지 같은, 부드러운
firm and making a crisp sound when pressed, stepped on, or chewed
바삭한, 아삭한
(of food) having a firm, dry texture that makes a sharp, crunching sound when broken or bitten
바삭바삭한, 크리스피
having a smooth and reflective surface, resembling glass in appearance and texture
유리 같은, 매끄러운
having a point or edge that can pierce or cut something
날카로운, 첨尖한