Boek Solutions - Intermediate - Inleiding - IB
Hier vindt u de woordenschat uit Introductie - IB in het Solutions Intermediate cursusboek, zoals "sociale activiteit", "uitgaan", "rijden", etc.
a group or individual activity that brings people together for the purpose of socializing and enjoying each other's company

sociale activiteit, groepsevenement

a vehicle that has two wheels and moves when we push its pedals with our feet

fiets, bromfiets

the sport or activity of riding a skateboard

skateboarden, het skateboarden

someone we know well and trust, but normally they are not part of our family

vriend, kameraad

a series of sounds made by instruments or voices, arranged in a way that is pleasant to listen to


an area with human population that is smaller than a city and larger than a village

stad, dorp

a type of sport where two teams, with often five players each, try to throw a ball through a net that is hanging from a ring and gain points

basketbal, ballen

a game played on a table by two or four players who bounce a small ball on the table over a net using special rackets

tafeltennis, pingpong

a digital game that we play on a computer, game console, or mobile device

videogame, digitale game

a type of disc used to store a lot of files, games, music, videos, etc.

DVD, DVD-schijf

a story that we can watch on a screen, like a TV or in a theater, with moving pictures and sound

film, filmpje

an electronic device with a screen that receives television signals, on which we can watch programs

televisie, TV

to leave the house and attend a specific social event to enjoy your time

uitgaan, naar buiten gaan

to look at a thing or person and pay attention to it for some time

kijken, observeren