Kunst en Ambacht - Zelfstandige naamwoorden gerelateerd aan Art
Hier leer je enkele Engelse zelfstandige naamwoorden die verband houden met kunst, zoals "homage", "pose" en "format".
the entire collection of works (such as music recordings, films, books, or other creative output) that an artist or creator has produced throughout their career

achtergrondcatalogus, gehele oeuvre

generally accepted rules or principles, especially those that are considered as fundamental in a field of art or philosophy

canon, kanon

creative forms of art such as painting, sculpture, music, and dance, valued for their beauty and expression rather than practical use

mooie kunsten, beaux-arts

the part of a scene, photograph, etc. that is closest to the observer

voorkant, voorgrond

the size and shape of a physical artwork, such as a painting, sculpture, or photograph

formaat, afmeting

a show of respect or admiration for someone or something, often expressed through a creative work such as a painting, poem, or song

eerbetoon, huldiging

a representation of something, such as a person, object, or scene, created with a medium such as a photograph, painting, or drawing

afbeelding, representatie

a great piece of art or literature that is considered to be the best or an excellent example of an artist's or author's work

meesterwerk, hoogstaand werk

a person who is employed by an artist to pose for a painting, photograph, etc.

model, mannequin

a drawing or painting, etc. of someone or something

afbeelding, tekening

a particular posture assumed by someone in order to be artistically recreated

houding, pose

a person or object that is the focus of a work of art, such as a painting or photograph

onderwerp, thema

the way an artist handles or deals with a subject or theme in a work of art

behandeling, benadering

a painting, piece of music or book that is produced by a painter, musician, or writer

werk, stuk

the part of a photograph, etc. that is situated behind the main figures, etc.

achtergrond, achtergrondbeeld

a single movement of a pen or pencil, or paintbrush

streek, borstelstreek