Algemene Training IELTS (Band 8 en Hoger) - Sociaal gedrag
Hier leert u enkele Engelse woorden die verband houden met sociaal gedrag en die nodig zijn voor het General Training IELTS-examen.
reluctant to speak to others, especially about one's thoughts and emotions

terughoudend, gereserveerd

controlling a situation by actively taking steps to manage it, rather than being passive or reactive

proactief, actief

lacking in politeness, courtesy, or good manners

onbeschoft, onbeleefd

showing a tendency to have control over others without taking their emotions into account

dominant, heersend

(of a person) straightforward in expressing thoughts or opinions

eerlijk, rechttoe rechtaan

inclined to argue or provoke disagreement

tweedrachtig, controversieel

reserved, aloof, or distant in one's interactions with others, often conveying a sense of unfriendliness or coldness

afstandelijk, gereserveerd

(of a person or organization) having a desire to promote the well-being of others, typically through charitable donations or actions

filantropisch, weldoener

being dishonest and betraying someone behind their back, without them knowing

achterbaks, verraadend

having a positive attitude toward someone or something

minnend, vergevend