Academisch IELTS (Band 6-7) - Morele eigenschappen
Hier leert u enkele Engelse woorden die verband houden met morele eigenschappen die nodig zijn voor het Academische IELTS-examen.
having the ability to understand and share the feelings, emotions, and experiences of others

empathisch, begripvol

behaving in a way that shows the lack of pride or sense of superiority over others

bescheiden, nederig

acting selflessly for the well-being of others, often prioritizing their needs over one's own

altruïstisch, onbaatzuchtig

able to be trusted to perform consistently well and meet expectations

betrouwbaar, deugdelijk

showing a consistent and unswerving commitment to a cause, person, or principle

vastberaden, standvastig

expressing or having qualities such as honesty, courage, thoughtfulness, etc. that deserves admiration

nobel, eerbiedwaardig

staying loyal and dedicated to a certain person, idea, group, etc.

trouw, loyaal

willing to give one's energy and time to something because one believes in it

toegewijd, verbonden

(of statements, feelings, beliefs, or behavior) showing what is true and honest, based on one's real opinions or feelings

oprecht, eerlijk

showing kindness, empathy, and understanding toward others, especially during times of difficulty or suffering

medelijdend, compassievol

fulfilling one's duties and responsibilities with a sense of loyalty and obedience

plichtsgetrouw, gehoorzaam

holding opinions or judgments influenced by personal bias rather than objective reasoning

lacking in honor, integrity, or moral principles, often bringing shame or disgrace

oneervol, schandelijk

giving an impression that is misleading, false, or deceitful, often leading to misunderstanding or mistaken belief

misleidend, bedrieglijk

displaying behavior that hides true intentions or feelings to mislead or trick

misleidend, bedrieglijk

tending to criticize or form negative opinions about others without considering their perspective or circumstances

oordeelend, kritisch

not appreciating or acknowledging kindness, often taking things for granted

ondankbaar, ingrat