Academisch IELTS (Band 6-7) - Negatieve emotionele toestanden
Hier leert u enkele Engelse woorden die verband houden met negatieve emotionele toestanden en die nodig zijn voor het Academische IELTS-examen.
having no energy or interest in doing anything

lijden aan lethargie, sloom

not being actively involved or showing interest in a particular situation or activity

onthecht, niet betrokken

lacking creativity, motivation, or enthusiasm

inspiratieloos, smaakloos

lacking a sense of drive or inspiration

ongemotiveerd, zonder motivatie

not paying close attention or showing a lack of focus

onoplettend, verzaakt

feeling irritated and upset because of being unable to achieve something or change an unwanted situation

frustrerend, geërgerd

very nervous in a way that makes one unable to think clearly

opgewonden, ongerust

feeling nervous or worried because of thinking something unpleasant might happen

angstig, bezorgd

worried and anxious about something or slightly afraid of it

nerveus, ongeduldig

appearing to have no chance of success and disappointingly so

verslagen, teleurgesteld

not confident about oneself or one's skills and abilities

onzeker, zelfverzekerdheid tekortkomend

feeling angry or annoyed, often due to something unpleasant

geïrriteerd, boos

experiencing intense sadness, grief, or disappointment due to a broken romantic relationship or other loss

hartverscheurend, verdrietig

feeling sad, discouraged, or low in spirits

neerbuigend, neerslachtig

feeling stressed or burdened by a lot of tasks or emotions at once

overweldigd, overbelast

experiencing sudden and overwhelming fear or anxiety

in paniek, paniekerig

unable to concentrate or focus due to having one's attention drawn away by various thoughts or external interruptions

afgeleid, verstrooid

doubtful about the honesty of what someone has done and having no trust in them

verdacht, wantrouwig

feeling or being disconnected from others, either physically or socially

geïsoleerd, afgezonderd

(of a person) inclined to speaking irritably or responding in a sharp or offensive manner

kortaf, snauwend

(of a person) refusing or unable to let go of anger or hatred toward others or past events

bitter, verbitterd