Dieren - Verzamelwoorden voor dieren
Hier leer je de verzamelwoorden voor dieren in het Engels, zoals "kudde", "gaggle" en "vee".
a group of animals, such as cows, sheep, etc. that are from the same species, which move and feed together

herd, groep

a small group of marine mammals that swim together, such as whales or dolphins

groep, pod

a large number of insects usually moving in the same direction

zwerm, hoop

large farm animals, such as cows and bulls, raised for meat, milk, or labor

a group of people on animals or vehicles that travel together for safety, especially across the desert

karavaan, konvooi

a group of animals of the same type hunting or living together, particularly wolves

roedel, groep

a group of birds of the same type, flying and feeding together

groep, schar

a group of female animals that share a single mate

harem, groep vrouwelijke dieren

(biology) a community of plants or animals that live close to each other in the same place

kolonie, groep

a number of lions that live together as a social unit

trots, leeuwengroep

a large group of insects or animals that infest a place, causing great damage

plaag, epidemie

a group of geese, specially when not in flight

ganzen groep, ganzenbende

a large number of fish or sea mammals that swim together

school, schwarm (vissen)

a group of animals in a specific location, such as a herd or flock

kudde, groep

a large group of rooks or owls that gather together

een parlement van uilen, een groep uilen

a group of game birds such as quails, partridges or grouses, typically consisting of six to twelve birds

groep vogels, gemeenschap

a gathering or assembly of animals, especially livestock or fowl, for the purpose of counting, inspection, or branding

bijeenkomst, muster

a group of wild or feral cats

groep van wilde katten, troep zwerfkatten

a group of oysters, clams, or other shellfish grown or found together

schelpdierbed, bank van schelpdieren

a group of birds, especially quails or larks, that are typically seen or kept together

groep, troep

a large group of starlings flying together in a coordinated manner, often in a swirling or undulating pattern

murmuratie, flock van spreeuwen

a group of animals, especially primates or birds, traveling or living together in a cohesive social unit

troep, groep