ACT Engels en Wereldkennis - Versterkers en mitigators
Hier leer je enkele Engelse versterkers en mitigators, zoals "supremely", "amper", "adequately", etc. die je zullen helpen je ACT's te verbeteren.
in a notable manner or to a considerable degree, indicating a meaningful impact or importance

significant, beduidend

in a manner that becomes increasingly faster

exponentieel, op exponentiële wijze

in a manner that is of very high significance or scale

monumentaal, op monumentale wijze

to a significantly large extent or by a considerable amount

dramatisch, significant

absolute, complete, or unequivocal in its nature or extent

volledig, absoluut

to a certain degree or extent in comparison to something else

vergelijkend, relatief

to a specific degree, particularly when compared to other similar things

relatief, vergelijkingsgewijs

used to say that something such as a number or amount is not exact

ongeveer, bijna

to a degree that is enough or satisfactory for a particular purpose

voldoende, adequaat

used to indicate that something is true or applicable only to some extent or degree

deels, gedeeltelijk

covering a wide range, indicating thoroughness or comprehensiveness

uitgebreid, omvattend

emphasizing the intensity or pureness of a particular quality or emotion

puur, absoluut