Leesvaardigheid voor het ACT-examen - Succes en betrouwbaarheid
Hier leert u enkele Engelse woorden die verband houden met succes en betrouwbaarheid, zoals "burgeon", "secure", "prevail", enz., waarmee u uw ACT's kunt verbeteren.
to succeed in solving, controlling, or dealing with something difficult

overwinnen, overkomen

to perform better or achieve superior results compared to someone or something else in a competitive context

overtreffen, overklassen

to evade an obligation, question, or problem by means of excuses or dishonesty

omzeilen, ontduiken

to go beyond a particular limit, quality, or standard, often in an exceptional or remarkable way

overschrijden, transcenderen

to be superior or better in performance, quality, or achievement

overtreffen, overstijgen

to intrude upon or infringe upon someone else's territory, rights, or space, often causing harm or inconvenience

indringen, overschrijden

to catch up to and pass by something or someone that is moving in the same direction

inhalen, voorbijgaan

to prove to be superior in strength, influence, or authority

overheersen, zegevieren

to finally accomplish a desired goal after dealing with many difficulties

bereiken, realizeren

to reach or gain a particular thing, typically requiring significant amount of effort

beveiligen, verkrijgen

to take advantage of or make the most of a situation for one's benefit

profiteren van, kapitaliseren op

to become too large, mature, or experienced for something

groeien uit, te groot worden voor

a desired and impressive goal achieved through hard work

prestatie, verwezenlijking

a feeling of happiness when one's needs are satisfied

vervulling, tevredenheid

great knowledge and exceptional skill in a field

meesterschap, beheersing

acknowledgment or approval given to someone or something for their achievements, qualities, or actions

erkenning, waardering

the state of gaining power, control, or dominance over others

opkomst, heerschappij

the state of being successful, particularly by earning a lot of money

welvaart, prosperiteit

a great victory, success, or achievement gained through struggle

triomf, overwinning

the act of praising or awarding someone as a sign of honoring their accomplishments

erkenning, onderscheiding

a period during which someone or something reaches their most successful point

zenit, hoogtepunt

indicating that something is very likely to succeed in the future

gunstig, voorspoedig

having the power to achieve a desired outcome or make a strong impression

doeltreffend, effectief

to confirm or prove the accuracy, authencity, or effectiveness of something

valideren, bevestigen

to show or say that something is the case, particularly by providing proof

bevestigen, valideren

a quality that renders a thing or person as trustworthy or believable


the quality or state of being factual or true

feitelijkheid, waarheidsgetrouwdheid

the process of officially validating or confirming the authenticity, quality, or standards of something or someone

certificering, goedkeuring

the state or quality of being without any errors

nauwkeurigheid, precisie

the state or quality of implying the truth

waarheidsgetrouwdheid, geloofwaardigheid

respected and trusted due to having a good reputation

gerenommeerd, eervol

commanding respect and trust due to expertise, credibility, or an official position

autoritatief, gezaghebbend

truly what something appears to be, without any falseness, imitation, or deception

echte, authentieke

covering or including all aspects of something

omvattend, uitgebreid