Kolory i Kształty - Odcienie czerwieni
Przeczytaj tę lekcję, aby poznać nazwy różnych odcieni czerwieni w języku angielskim, takie jak „czerwień granatu”, „karmin” i „rubin”.
of a deep, rich shade of red that is commonly associated with traditional barns

czerwony stajenny, ciemny czerwony

having a dark, intense shade of red that is reminiscent of the color of blood

krwistoczerwony, ciemnoczerwony

having a bright, vibrant shade of red, often associated with shiny, glossy finishes reminiscent of a candied apple

candy apple red, błyszcząca czerwień

having a rich, dark reddish-brown color, reminiscent of the deep color of cocoa beans

wykończenie chocolate cosmos, kolor chocolate cosmos

having a dark, rich shade of red with undertones of black or deep brown

wykończenie różowe ebonowe, odcień różowe ebonowe

displaying a warm, muted shade of brown with subtle undertones of pink or rose, evoking a soft, earthy, and slightly blush-like tone

różowo-brązowy, brązowy z różowymi tonami

having a rich, deep red color with blue undertones, reminiscent of the pigment historically derived from the madder plant

alizarynowy czerwony, głęboki czerwony z niebieskimi tonami

having a deep, dark red color reminiscent of the gemstone garnet, which is known for its rich, wine-red hue

czerwony granat, ciemnoczerwony

having a color that is pink, lying between red and magenta on the color spectrum

różowy, różowy kolor

having a vivid and bright shade of red, resembling the color of ripe raspberries

malinowy czerwony, jaskrawy kolor maliny

having a shade of red that is medium light, like the color of a tomato

pomidoroidalny, kolor pomidora

characterized by a vivid red color reminiscent of the bright red petals of the wild poppy flower


having a warm and intense red with undertones of orange, resembling the color of the mineral cinnabar

cynober, czerwony cynober

having a deep, rich red color reminiscent of the spicy red chili pepper, often associated with warmth and intensity

czerwony chili, ostry czerwony

of a bright, vivid red color resembling the vibrant petals of a poppy flower

czerwony mak, jasnoczerwony

of a dark, deep shade of red, resembling the color of dried blood

krwisty czerwony, ciemnoczerwony

of a rich, deep reddish-brown color that resembles the color of cordovan leather

cordovan, kolor cordovan

of a reddish-brown color, resembling the color of the mineral carnelian

karnelianowy, w kolorze karneolu