Książka Solutions - Średnio zaawansowany niższy - Jednostka 2 - 2G
Tutaj znajdziesz słownictwo z rozdziałów 2 - 2G z podręcznika Solutions Pre-Intermediate, takie jak „łódka”, „wiosło”, „kombinezon” itp.
a physical activity or competitive game with specific rules that people do for fun or as a profession

sport, gra

the necessary things that you need for doing a particular activity or job

sprzęt, wyposażenie

a type of strong shoe that covers the foot and ankle and often the lower part of the leg

boty, wytrzymałe buty

a small boat made of rubber or wood that It is used for fun or to travel short distances

mała łódź, łódź robocza

a special type of vest worn to help keep a person afloat in water, especially in case of an emergency

kamizelka ratunkowa, kamizelka życia

a tool used to move a boat or raft through the water, consisting of a long handle with a flat or curved blade on one end

wiosło, pagaj

a sports equipment made of fiberglass, used for vaulting over a high bar

pręt, tyczka

a long, flexible cord made by twisting together strands of fibers, wire, or other material, used for tying, pulling, or supporting things

sznur, lina

a bag designed for carrying on the back, usually used by those who go hiking or climbing

plecak, torba na plecy

a piece of equipment worn to protect a person from injury or death by securing them to a stationary object

uprząż bezpieczeństwa, pas bezpieczeństwa

a round object that is used in games and sports, such as soccer, basketball, bowling, etc.

piłka, kula

a long and thin sports tool used for hitting a ball in games like baseball, cricket, or tennis

bat, rakieta

a specific area usually marked by a net or structure, where players attempt to score points by getting a ball, puck, or other game object into it

bramka, cel

a type of eyewear that are designed to protect the eyes from harm

gogle ochronne, gogle bezpieczeństwa

(in basketball) the metal rim attached to a backboard through which a player attempts to throw the ball in order to score points

obręcz, kosz

a covering for the face, typically made of cloth, paper, or plastic, worn to protect or hide the face


the barrier in the middle of a court over which players hit the ball, used in sports such as tennis

siatka, net

an object with a handle, an oval frame and a tightly fixed net, used for hitting the ball in sports such as badminton, tennis, etc.


a shoe that is light, comfortable, and suitable for running and other sports

buty do biegania, buty sportowe

a piece of clothing usually worn by men on the upper half of the body, typically with a collar and sleeves, and with buttons down the front

koszula, bluzka

a type of shoe with two pairs of small wheels attached to the bottom, for moving on a hard, flat surface

łyżwy, rolki

a long, slender implement typically made of wood that is used by players in sports such as hockey or polo to hit a puck or ball

kij, paletka

the shorts men or boys wear to go swimming

szorty kąpielowe, spodenki pływackie

a type of clothing worn by people when swimming or participating in water sports

kostium kąpielowy, strój kąpielowy

a sleeveless piece of clothing that is worn under a jacket and over a shirt

kamizelka, bezrękawnik

a tight-fitting piece of clothing made of rubber that is worn by underwater swimmers to remain warm

kombinezon neoprenowy, wetsuit

a type of sport where two teams, with often five players each, try to throw a ball through a net that is hanging from a ring and gain points

koszykówka, piłka do koszykówki

the activity or sport of going upwards toward the top of a mountain or rock

wspinaczka, wspinanie

a sport played with a round ball between two teams of eleven players each, aiming to score goals by kicking the ball into the opponent's goalpost

piłka nożna, gra w piłkę nożną

the sport or activity of riding a surfboard to move on waves

surfing, pływanie na desce do surfingu

feeling very annoyed or upset because of something that we do not like

zły, rozgniewany

tired and unhappy because there is nothing to do or because we are no longer interested in something

znudzony, niezainteresowany

worried and anxious about something or slightly afraid of it

nerwowy, zestresowany