Książka English Result - Średnio zaawansowany wyższy - Jednostka 9 - 9A
Tutaj znajdziesz słownictwo z rozdziałów 9–9A z podręcznika języka angielskiego Result Upper-Intermediate, takie jak „takt”, „responsywny”, „wykonawczy” itp.
sensitivity and consideration in dealing with others to avoid causing trouble or offense
takt, wrażliwość
careful not to make anyone upset or annoyed
taktyczny, dyplomatyczny
something that comes to one's mind, such as, an idea, image, etc.
myśl, pomysł
thinking deeply about oneself and one's experiences, often resulting in new understandings or realizations
refleksyjny, myślący
to bring something into existence or make something happen
tworzyć, wyprodukować
making use of imagination or innovation in bringing something into existence
kreatywny, twórczy
to think carefully about different things and choose one of them
decydować, wybrać
powerful enough to determine the outcome of something
decydujący, określający
to make or have an image of something in our mind
wyobrażać sobie, imaginować
displaying or having creativity or originality
pomysłowy, kreatywny
to make or design something that did not exist before
wynaleźć, stworzyć
(of an idea, method, etc.) unique, creative, and appealing due to its originality and novelty
pomysłowy, kreatywny
to make the necessary arrangements for an event or activity to take place
organizować, planować
(of a person) managing one's life, work, and activities in an efficient way
zorganizowany, zorganizowana
to answer a question in spoken or written form
odpowiadać, reagować
reacting to people and events quickly and in a positive way
reaktywny, odpowiedzialny
to interact and spend time with people
socjalizować, interakcjonować
possessing a friendly personality and willing to spend time with people
towarzyski, przyjacielski
all the qualities that shape a person's character and make them different from others
osobowość, charakter
trying or wishing to gain great success, power, or wealth
ambitny, ambitna
(of a person) careful to avoid danger or mistakes
ostrożny, przezorny
the trait of being careful and aware of potential risks
ostrożność, uwaga
a strong wish to learn something or to know more about something
interested in learning and knowing about things
ciekawy, ciekawa
an internal guide for behavior based on principles of right and wrong according to an established code of ethics
sumienie, moralność
devoted fully to completing tasks and obligations to the highest standard
sumienny, dokładny
a sudden strong urge or desire to do something, often without thinking or planning beforehand
impuls, napęd
acting on sudden desires or feelings without thinking about the consequences beforehand
impulsywny, nagły
a field of study that deals with the ways of thinking, explaining, and reasoning
the true state of the world and the true nature of things, in contrast to what is imagined or thought
rzeczywistość, prawda
concerned with or based on something that is practical and achievable in reality
feelings of care and understanding toward other people's emotions, especially sadness or suffering
sympatia, współczucie
of or relating to the part of the nervous system that controls involuntary actions
współczulny, układ współczulny
to provide someone or something with encouragement or help
wspierać, pomagać
giving encouragement or providing help
wspierający, podtrzymujący
to tell someone about the feelings or ideas that we have
rozmawiać, dyskutować
extremely willing to chat and have verbal communication with others
gadaty, towarzyski
someone whose job involves performing in movies, plays, or series
aktor, aktorka
a person whose job is designing buildings and typically supervising their construction
someone in a high-ranking position who is responsible for making important decisions in a company or organization
dyrektor, menedżer
a writer who explores characters, events, and themes in depth through long narrative stories, particularly novels
powieściopisarz, autor powieści