Książka Insight - Średnio zaawansowany niższy - Jednostka 9 - 9A
Tutaj znajdziesz słownictwo z rozdziałów 9–9A z podręcznika Insight Pre-Intermediate, takie jak „investigate”, „tabloid”, „broadcast” itp.
to try to find the truth about a crime, accident, etc. by carefully examining its facts
prowadzić śledztwo, badać
to use airwaves to send out TV or radio programs
nadawać, transmitować
to cover or give the details of an event in written or spoken form as a journalist on TV, etc.
raportować, zdawać relację
to produce a newspaper, book, etc. for the public to purchase
publikować, wydawać
to show or say that something is the case, particularly by providing proof
potwierdzić, zweryfikować
to ask someone questions about a particular topic on the TV, radio, or for a newspaper
przeprowadzać wywiad, interviewować
someone who is in charge of a newspaper agency, magazine, etc. and decides what should be published
redaktor, naczelny
the first and main page of a newspaper in which important news pieces are printed
pierwsza strona, okładka
someone who prepares news to be broadcast or writes for newspapers, magazines, or news websites
a segment in a newspaper assigned to stories about the lives of the celebrities
kolumna plotkarska, rubryka plotek
the large words in the upper part of a page of a newspaper, article, etc.
nagłówek, tytuł
a piece of writing about a particular subject on a website, in a newspaper, magazine, or other publication
a newspaper that is published on a large piece of paper regarded as more serious
duży format, broadsheet
a newspaper with smaller pages and many pictures, covering stories about famous people and not much serious news
tabloid, gazeta bulwarowa
a paid announcement that draws public attention to a product or service
reklama, ogłoszenie
a type of periodical publication that features critical essays or evaluations of contemporary literature, art, or current events
recenzja, przegląd
a set of large folded sheets of paper with lots of stories, pictures, and information printed on them about things like sport, politic, etc., usually issued daily or weekly
gazeta, czasopismo
the use of creativity and imagination to express emotions and ideas by making things like paintings, sculptures, music, etc.
sztuka, twórczość
movies, television shows, etc. or an activity that is made for people to enjoy
rozrywka, przedstawienie
the activity of providing services or products in exchange for money
biznes, przedsiębiorstwo
a type of business activity that involves providing money or other resources, such as capital, to support economic transactions, investments, and other financial activities
finanse, finansowanie
a type of advertisement in a newspaper, magazine, or online platform that is typically short, text-only, and grouped under specific categories
ogłoszenie drobne, ogłoszenie klasyfikowane
a puzzle game in which one writes the answers to the clues in numbered boxes
a playful activity in which we use our imagination, play with toys, etc.
gra, partia
news about events and developments that occur within a country or region
wiadomości krajowe, wiadomości wewnętrzne
a newspaper article expressing the views of the editor on a particular subject
artykuł redakcyjny, redakcja
the quality of being attractive or pleasing, particularly to the eye
a forecast of an individual's future based on their zodiac sign or date of birth, especially as published in a newspaper or magazine
happening in or between more than one country
międzynarodowy, międzynarodowe
reports on recent events that are broadcast or published
wiadomości, informacje
a written or printed message that is sent to someone or an organization, company, etc.
list, notka
someone who reads a certain magazine or newspaper
czytelnik, czytelniczka
a specific part of a newspaper, magazine, or website that focuses on news, articles, and information related to sports
sekcja sportowa, dział sportowy
a printed or digital listing of TV programs and their air times
przewodnik telewizyjny, program telewizyjny