Książka Insight - Średnio zaawansowany wyższy - Wgląd w słownictwo 2
Tutaj znajdziesz słowa z Vocabulary Insight 2 w podręczniku Insight Upper-Intermediate, takie jak „święty”, „predate”, „urbanizowany” itp.
connected with God or a god, and considered holy or deeply respected in religious contexts

święty, sacrum

a part or accessory that does a particular task when it is connected to something

akcesorium, załącznik

(of a sea or other area of water) deep or wide enough for ships or boats to travel through

żeglowny, nawigowalny

belonging to or following the methods or thoughts that are old as opposed to new or different ones

tradycyjny, klasyczny

(of a place) having people or animals living in a place

zamieszkany, zamieszkały

to make a building or a place look good again by repairing or painting it

renowować, odnawiać

(of a person or thing) using more resources, time, or money than is necessary or appropriate

marnotrawny, rozrzutny

showing playful or enthusiastic behavior typical of a young dog

szczenięcy, wesoły

expressing no signs of fear in face of danger or difficulty

nieustraszony, bez lęku

addressing the structures, functions, or issues of cities and their populations

miejskie, urbanistyczne

developed into an urban area, with high population density and tall buildings

urbanizowany, przekształcony w obszar miejski

related to the purchasing and selling of different goods and services

komercyjny, handlowy

related to the manufacturing or production of goods on a large scale

przemysłowy, przemysłowa

the fact or condition of being regarded or treated as more important than others

priorytet, preferencja

the quality of being related or useful to the current situation or topic

relewancja, znaczenie

the obligation to perform a particular duty or task that is assigned to one

odpowiedzialność, obowiązek

a set of ideas and activities involved in governing a country, state, or city


to feel upset and nervous because we think about bad things that might happen to us or our problems

martwić się, niepokoić się

in a way that cannot be stopped or avoided, and certainly happens

nieuniknienie, z pewnością

(of weather) uncomfortably hot and lacking air circulation

duszny, przytłaczający