possessing the quality of being the most important or basic part of something

cardynalny, podstawowy

related to the core and most important or basic parts of something

fundamentalny, podstawowy

depending on or restricted by certain circumstances

warunkowy, zależny od warunków

having friendly, warm, inviting, or joyful manner or attitude

towarzyski, wesoły

(of animals or organisms) primarily active during the night

nocny, aktywny w nocy

extremely delicate, light, as if it belongs to a heavenly realm

eteryczny, niebiański

funny or laughable due to extreme absurdity, foolishness, or insanity

farsowy, absurdalny

related to a small administrative area of its own church and priest

parafialny, pochodzący z parafii

conforming to instincts or desires and lacking human emotion, empathy, or intelligence

bestialski, zwierzęcy