Lista de Palavras Nível A2 - Pronomes e Determinantes
Aqui você aprenderá alguns pronomes e determinantes em inglês, como "todos", "em algum lugar" e "nenhum", preparados para alunos A2.
every single person in a group, community, or society, without exception

todo mundo, cada um

used to mention a place that is not known or is not named

em algum lugar, a um lugar qualquer

used to mention a place that is not exactly known or is not named

em algum lugar, um lugar

used for referring to a person when who that person is does not matter

qualquer pessoa, alguém

used for referring to a thing when it is not important what that thing is

qualquer coisa, algo

a person or thing that is different or distinct from one already mentioned or known about

outro, uma outra

used to refer to a number of things or people, more than two but not many

vários, alguns

used to show that the thing mentioned belongs to a particular person or thing

cujo, de quem