500 Advérbios Mais Comuns em Inglês - 451 - 475 principais advérbios
Aqui você recebe a parte 19 da lista dos advérbios mais comuns em inglês, como "finamente", "com razão" e "para dentro".
in a way that is impressive or shows skill
hábilmente, de forma impressionante
in a way that relates to multiple nations or the entire world
in a manner that is correct, exact, or accurate
corretamente, justamente
to a very great or extreme extent or degree
intensamente, de maneira intensa
for a specific purpose, reason, person, etc.
especialmente, particularmente
in a forceful manner that is intended to cause harm
violentamente, de forma violenta
to a degree more noticable and greater than usual
excepcionalmente, de forma excepcional
used when ending a conversation, or changing, or returning to a subject
de qualquer forma, de qualquer jeito
to a degree or extent that is unusually good
maravilhosamente, excelentemente
in a way that is appropriate or accepted everywhere, by everyone, or in all cases
universalmente, de forma universal
with a sudden and significant change; dramatically
bruscamente, drasticamente
in a manner that reflects intelligence, good judgment, and experience
sabiamente, com sabedoria
to a degree or extent that is greater or more than usual
extra, excessivamente
in a way that is related to someone's mind or emotions
psicologicamente, do ponto de vista psicológico
in a manner that is not tightly or firmly held or attached
solto, de forma lâxa