Livro Four Corners 4 - Unidade 12 Lição C
Aqui você encontrará o vocabulário da Unidade 12, Lição C do livro Four Corners 4, como "clínica", "recreação", "médico", etc.
having features or characteristics that are pleasing
a part of a hospital or a healthcare facility that provides care for patients who do not require an overnight stay
a person whose duty is to protect a person or thing by observing them carefully
a free community resource that offers a wide variety of books, media, and other educational materials for people to borrow and use for personal and educational purposes
every single person in a group, community, or society, without exception
to put together different materials such as brick to make a building, etc.
the action or process of making something better or becoming better
used to say that something happening, existing, etc. depends on another thing happening, existing, etc.
used to emphasize that how much or how intense something is by talking about what happens as a result