Livro Insight - Intermediário - Unidade 3 - 3D
Aqui você encontrará o vocabulário da Unidade 3 - 3D no livro do curso Insight Intermediate, como "rapidamente", "entorpecido", "preocupantemente", etc.
in a way that is physically free from any tension or pain

confortavelmente, com conforto

in a way that is unexpected and causes amazement

surpreendentemente, de forma surpreendente

a part of one's skin covered with red spots, which is usually caused by a sickness or an allergic reaction

erupção, rash

a condition in which the nose produces an excessive amount of fluid or mucus, often as a result of a cold or allergy

nariz escorrendo, rinite

(of a part of the body) unusually large, particularly because of an injury or illness

inchado, swellado

unable to keep one's balance and feeling as though everything is circling around one, caused by an illness or looking down from a high place

mareado, tonto

slightly trembling or shaking due to cold, illness, fear, etc.

treme-treme, arrepiado

to make injuries, particularly ones caused by a blow, appear on the skin and cause discoloration

contundir, magulhar

causing an annoying feeling on the skin that makes a person want to scratch it

coceira, que causa coceira

(of a body part) feeling painful or tender, often as a result of injury, strain, or illness

dolorido, sensível