Livro Total English - Intermediário avançado - Unidade 7 - Lição 2
Aqui você encontrará o vocabulário da Unidade 7 - Lição 2 do livro Total English Upper-Intermediate, como "pechinchar", "reembolso", "barganha", etc.
to bid
to offer a particular price for something, usually at an auction

fazer uma oferta, dar um lance

to bargain
to negotiate the terms of a contract, sale, or similar arrangement for a better agreement, price, etc.

negociar, barganhar

an amount of money that is paid back because of returning goods to a store or one is not satisfied with the goods or services

reembolso, devolução

a written or printed document that shows the payment for a set of goods or services has been made

recibo, comprovante


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