Adjetivos que Descrevem Experiências Sensoriais - Adjetivos de temperatura
Esses adjetivos descrevem o calor ou frescor relativo de objetos ou ambientes, transmitindo atributos como "quente", "quente", "frio", "congelante", etc.
regarding extremely cold temperatures, typically below the freezing point of water

congelante, muito frio

having a temperature that is high but not hot, especially in a way that is pleasant

quente, morno

having a condition of high temperature, often causing discomfort or requiring cooling measures

aquecido, quente

(of weather or temperature) extremely hot, causing intense heat and discomfort

escaldante, ardente

extremely hot and uncomfortable, often causing sweating

escaldante, quente demais

regarding extremely hot temperatures, often causing discomfort or injury

abrasador, escaldante