Bijvoeglijke Naamwoorden die Zintuiglijke Ervaringen Beschrijven - Bijvoeglijke naamwoorden van temperatuur
Deze bijvoeglijke naamwoorden beschrijven de relatieve warmte of koelte van objecten of omgevingen, en brengen attributen over zoals "heet", "warm", "koud", "bevriezend", enz.
regarding extremely cold temperatures, typically below the freezing point of water

bevroren, zeer koud

extremely cold in temperature, often causing discomfort or numbness

koud, kille

having a temperature lower than the human body's average temperature

koud, fris

having a temperature that is high but not hot, especially in a way that is pleasant

warm, gematigd

having a condition of high temperature, often causing discomfort or requiring cooling measures

verhit, heet

(of weather or temperature) extremely hot, causing intense heat and discomfort

brandend, verwoestend

extremely hot and uncomfortable, often causing sweating

benauwd, hittig

regarding extremely hot temperatures, often causing discomfort or injury

brandende, verhit

regarding extremely hot temperatures, often causing discomfort or sweating

verbrandende, heet