Treinamento Geral IELTS (Faixa 5 e Abaixo) - Desafios
Aqui você aprenderá algumas palavras em inglês relacionadas aos desafios necessários para o exame General Training IELTS.
(of an activity, task, or process) taking up a significant amount of time, and therefore requiring a considerable amount of effort or patience

demorado, que consome tempo

to face or deal with a problem or difficult situation directly

enfrentar, confrontar

to take the necessary action regarding someone or something specific

lidar com, tratar de

to be subjected to or challenged by a certain fate, circumstance, attitude, etc.

encontrar, enfrentar

to put a great deal of effort to overcome difficulties or achieve a goal

lutar, esforçar-se

to allow something one dislikes, especially certain behavior or conditions, without interference or complaint

tolerar, suportar

to handle a difficult situation and deal with it successfully

lidar com, fazer frente a

to allow the presence of an unpleasant person, thing, or situation without complaining or giving up

suportar, tolerar