Lista de Palavras Nível C2 - Quantity
Aqui você aprenderá todas as palavras essenciais para falar sobre Quantidade, coletadas especificamente para alunos do nível C2.
having an unusually large or abundant quantity of something, often exceeding expectations or norms

abundante, generoso

existing in an amount or quantity that is more than sufficient

superabundante, excedente

incredibly large in quantity or vast in scope, often to the point of being beyond comprehension or imagination

astronômico, gigantesco

to place limits or boundaries on something to reduce its scope or size

restringir, reduzir

to increase or grow rapidly and uncontrollably

aumentar rapidamente, crescer descontroladamente

an improvement or increase in something such as intensity, level, or amount

aumento, melhora

a reduction or lessening in the intensity, degree, or amount of something

redução, abatimento

an abundance or an overflowing supply of something

cornucópia, cornos da abundância

the act or process of adding the amount, value, or size of something

aumento, acréscimo

a sudden and fast growth or increase in something

proliferação, crescimento rápido