500 Cele Mai Comune Substantive Englezești - Top 1 - 25 de substantive
Aici vi se oferă partea 1 a listei celor mai comune substantive din engleză, cum ar fi „thing”, „way” și „year”.
Fișe de studiu
an object that we cannot or do not need to name when we are talking about it

cosa, obiect

the quantity that is measured in seconds, minutes, hours, etc. using a device like clock

timp, durată

a period of time that is made up of twelve months, particularly one that starts on January first and ends on December thirty-first

an, an

a drink made by mixing hot water with crushed coffee beans, which is usually brown


a sentence, phrase, or word, used to ask for information or to test someone’s knowledge


the most important thing that is said or done which highlights the purpose of something

punct crucial, punct esențial

a series of sounds made by instruments or voices, arranged in a way that is pleasant to listen to


something that we use to buy and sell goods and services, can be in the form of coins or paper bills

bani, capital