Adjective care Evocă un Anumit Sentiment - Adjective de reacție pozitivă
Aceste adjective captează emoțiile și sentimentele asociate cu un răspuns pozitiv la un eveniment sau stare, cum ar fi „uimit”, „emotionat”, „interesat”, etc.
Fișe de studiu
having a feeling of curiosity or attention toward a particular thing or person because one likes them
interesat, captivat
feeling hopeful or motivated, often as a result of support or positive feedback from others
încurajat, stimulat
respecting or admiring a person or thing, particularly because of their excellent achievements or qualities
impresionat, impresionată
feeling happy and satisfied with something that has happened or with someone's actions
mulțumit, încântat
intensely interested or captivated by something or someone
fascinat, captivat
very excited, happy, or pleased about something
entuziasmat, fericit
feeling entertained or finding something funny or enjoyable
amuzat, distractiv