Antrenament General IELTS (Banda 8 și Peste) - Forma corpului
Aici, veți învăța câteva cuvinte în limba engleză legate de Body Shape care sunt necesare pentru examenul IELTS General Training.
Fișe de studiu
describing a woman with a full, rounded, and attractive figure, often with a pleasing emphasis on curves and ample proportions

voluminoasă, podoabă

(of a woman) having large breasts, wide hips and a narrow waist

sinuoasă, cu forme voluptoase

(especially of a man) having a short but quite solid figure with thick muscles

solid, voinic

(of a person) tall and thin in a way that is not graceful

înalt și slab, lung și subțire

looking thin, pale, or exhausted due to prolonged period of suffering, anxiety, or starvation

slăbit, emaciat

having a lean and muscular physique, characterized by strength and agility

tendinos, musculos

tall, strong, and well-built, often implying an impressive physical appearance

impunător, puternic

significantly enlarged or heavily muscular, typically due to intense physical exercise or bodybuilding

musculos, impunător

extremely thin and delicate in appearance, often appearing fragile or frail

fragil, slăbuț

pleasantly plump or generously proportioned in body size

bine tapițat, în mod generos proporționat