a sport that involves various athletic events, including running, jumping, and throwing competitions, that are held on a running track

легкая атлетика
a tough triathlon race where athletes swim, bike, and run long distances without stopping

Железный человек, триатлон Ironman

the sport of running, riding, skiing, or driving over natural terrain

кросс, бег по пересечённой местности

a long-distance running race covering a distance of 21.0975 kilometres

полумарафон, бег на полумарафон

a long-distance running race longer than the traditional marathon distance of 42.195 kilometers

ультрамарафон, ультра-марафон

the sport or activity of moving through an area, particularly an urban area, by running, jumping, and climbing over, under, or around different obstacles

a high-intensity fitness program that combines various exercises like weightlifting, cardio, and gymnastics

the action of competing in an athletic event where participants move swiftly on foot, typically on a track

бег, 跑步

athletic competitions specifically designed for athletes with physical disabilities

паралегкая атлетика, адаптивная атлетика

a multisport event comprising swimming, cycling, and running for athletes with physical disabilities

пара-триатлон, триатлон для людей с ограниченными возможностями

a competition consisting of ten different sports that takes place over two days

a combined event consisting of seven track and field events for female athletes


a multi-discipline event consisting of four components: running, swimming, shooting, and horse riding

тетртлон, тетратлон

the athletic action or sport of pushing oneself off the ground using one or both legs, often for height or distance

прыжки, прыжок

a track and field event in which an athlete uses a long, flexible pole to jump over a bar

прыжок с шестом
a sport in which participants jump over a horizontal bar that is placed at different heights without using any equipment

прыжок в высоту
an athletic event in which competitors run down a track and jump as far as possible from a takeoff board, aiming to land in a pit filled with sand

прыжок в длину
an athletic event in which competitors take three consecutive jumps, consisting of a hop, step, and jump, in order to achieve the greatest distance possible

тройной прыжок
the events where participants compete by hurling objects such as javelins, shot puts, or discuses for distance or accuracy

метательноеsport, дисциплина метания

an athletic event where athletes spin and release a heavy metal ball attached to a wire and handle, aiming to achieve the longest distance possible

метание молота, соревнования по метанию молота

a field event where athletes hurl a heavy discus as far as possible within a designated throwing area

метание диска, диск в метании

an athletic field event where competitors throw a heavy metal ball as far as possible within a marked circle

толкание ядра
a sport or competition in which a light spear is thrown as far as possible

метание копья
the athletic event or technique in track and field where athletes sprint and jump over hurdles set at regular distances along a track

бег с барьерами, бег через барьеры

a race in which athletes run a distance of 400 meters while clearing hurdles set along the track

400 метров с барьерами, барьерный бег на 400 метров

a race where athletes sprint over a series of hurdles spaced 110 meters apart on a track

бег с препятствиями на 110 метров, 110 метров с барьерами

a short-distance sprinting race in track and field, typically ranging from 60 meters to 400 meters

спринт, короткая дистанция

the competitions involving jumping, throwing, or other activities performed on a field, rather than running events

полевые состязания, полевые мероприятия

an individual's highest achievement or performance in a particular activity or event

личный рекорд, лучшее личное достижение

the designated point on a track or field where athletes begin a race or event

стартовая линия, точка старта

a competitive athletic event held on a designated track, involving various disciplines such as sprints, hurdles, middle-distance, and long-distance running, as well as relays

легкоатлетическое соревнование, проект легкоатлетики

an athletic race in track and field where teams of runners compete by sequentially passing a baton from one teammate to the next over a set distance

a race where participants move swiftly on foot to reach a specific distance or finish line

бег, забег

a track and field event where athletes jump forward from a standing position, aiming for distance rather than height

прыжок в длину, длинный прыжок