Литература - Длина книги
Здесь вы выучите некоторые английские слова, связанные с длиной книги, такие как «новелла», «графический роман» и «эпистолярий».
a long written story that usually involves imaginary characters and places

a complete story that is not long and can be read in a short time

короткий рассказ, короткая история
a work of fiction with an intermediate length, which could be considered a short novel

a short novel or a long short story, typically having fewer conflicts than a novel but more complicated ones than a short story

короткая повесть
the process of adapting a screenplay or other literary work into a novel, often with expanded or additional material


a type of extremely brief story characterized by its brevity and the need to convey a complete narrative within a very limited word count

мини-ремесло, обычное прозаику

a type of novel that intentionally avoids traditional narrative structures, character development, and plot

антироман, антинNovel

a type of novel that originated in Japan and is typically written in short installments using a mobile phone

роман для мобильного телефона, мобильный роман

a novel that was traditionally published in three separate volumes, typically released in sequence over a period of time

трёхтомный роман, роман в трёх томах

a type of literature that is written and published online, often in serial form, and can be accessed by anyone with an internet connection

веб-литература, онлайн-литература

a genre of popular fiction that aims to entertain a wide audience during travel, with fast-paced plots, accessible language, and predictable themes

аэропортный роман, популярный роман

a form of literary expression that uses mobile and pervasive computing technologies to enhance the experience of reading by layering stories onto everyday places and objects

амбиентная литература, литература окружающего мира

a published work that includes notes, comments, and other additional information to help the reader better understand and contextualize the text

аннотированное издание, комментированное издание

a collaborative writing project where different authors take turns writing chapters or sections of a novel

цепочечный роман, коллективный роман

a type of novel, typically a thriller or horror story, that is designed to be suspenseful and to send shivers down the reader's spine

триллер, ужастик

a work of fiction that aims to provide a comprehensive and detailed account of a particular time period or subject

энциклопедический роман, роман-энциклопедия

a novel written as a series of documents, usually in the form of letters or diary entries

эпистолярный, эпистолярный роман

a novel created from a collection of previously published short stories, often edited or revised to fit together into a cohesive plot

роман из рассказов, сборник переработанных рассказов

a book that combines illustrations and storytelling to convey a narrative, often in a sequential art format

графический роман
a type of novel written and published in small chunks on microblogging platforms, such as Twitter or Weibo

микроблоггинг-роман, микроновелла

a literary work made up of a collection of shorter pieces that may be standalone, but when combined, they create a larger and more complex narrative

мозаичный роман, мозаичное произведение

a volume that contains several previously published works by the same author, often relating to a common theme or series

омнибусное издание, сборник работ

a book, painting, play, etc. that is created according to the common taste of the public in order to earn money

a genre of literature that tells the story of a family or several generations of a family over an extended period

саговый роман, семейная сага

cheaply produced and often sensationalist paperback books with yellow covers, typically sold in railway stations and other public places

жёлтая книга, жёлтый бэктекст

a literary work that mixes various pre-existing texts and other materials, such as images, photographs, and illustrations, to create a new narrative

коллажный роман, литературный коллаж

a type of Japanese novel that targets young adult readers, featuring simple writing style, illustrated with anime or manga-style art

лайт-новелла, лёгкий роман

a type of writing that is focused on the lives and struggles of working-class people, often with an emphasis on political or social issues

пролетарская литература, литература рабочего класса

a genre of electronic literature that uses hyperlinks to connect different fragments of a story, allowing the reader to choose different paths and create their own narrative experience

гипертекстовая фикция, гипертекстовая литература

a type of interactive fiction that originated in Japan and primarily features static graphics, anime-style characters, and branching narrative paths

визуальная новелла, интерактивная новелла

a small pamphlet or booklet that was popular in the 16th to 19th centuries and contained stories, ballads, poems, or religious tracts, typically sold by peddlers or booksellers

брошюра, буклет