Nybörjare 1 - Hej adjö
Här kommer du att lära dig några engelska ord om att säga hej och adjö, som "tack", "hej" och "god eftermiddag", förberedda för elever på nybörjarnivå.
a word we say when we see someone and want to greet them, or when we begin to talk on the phone
Hej, Hallå
a word we say when we are leaving or someone is leaving, or at the end of a phone call
Adjö, Hejdå
a word we say when we are leaving someone or when they are leaving, or at the end of a phone call
Hej då! Ha en bra dag!, Adjö! Hoppas du får en bra dag!
something we say when we want to greet or say hello to someone in the morning
God morgon, Hej
something we say when we want to say hello or goodbye to a person in the afternoon
God eftermiddag, Hej
something we say when we want to say hello or goodbye to a person in the evening
God kväll
something we say when we want to say goodbye to a person at night or before we go to bed
God natt, Sov gott
said when someone helps us or does something nice for us
Tack!, Tack så mycket!
used when we want to politely ask for something or tell a person to do something
snälla, vänligen
said to show that we are agreeing to do something or we agree with something
Okej, OK
a word that shows we agree with something or think that something is true when answering a question
used to give an answer to a question showing that we do not agree or it is not true
Nej, Nej
a word we say to apologize for something or to say we are embarrassed
Förlåt, Ursäkta