Djur - Spindeldjur
Här kommer du att lära dig namnen på spindeldjur på engelska som "spider", "scorpion" och "tick".
a small wingless insect that is silvery and nocturnal, which feeds on paper products or clothing

silverfisk, silverfiskar

a small creature that spins webs to catch insects for food, with eight legs and two fangs by which poison is injected to its prey


a large hairy spider originated in warm regions with venomous fangs that does not spin any webs or threads

tarantula, tarantulaspindel

a poisonous spider, the female of which has a red mark on its underside and is known to eat the male

svart änka

a venomous arachnid with two pincers and a curved tail that inhabits hot countries


a venomous spider originated in North America that has a brown violin-shaped mark on its head and a necrotic toxin

brun recluse, brun spindel

a black or brown arachnid of the Linyphiid family with a web that is like a sheet and is popularly believed to bring good luck with the money

pengaspindel, lyckspindel

an invertebrate of arachnid order with long slender legs that lives in moist shady environments

skördare, inhämtare

a solitary and predatory arachnid that hunts without spinning webs and is known for its agile hunting behavior

vargspindel, spindel av varg

a type of arachnid that creates a camouflaged burrow entrance with a hinged door, allowing it to ambush unsuspecting prey

fälla dörr spindel, fälla spindel

a marine arthropod that has a unique body structure, long legs, and inhabits oceans worldwide

sjöspindel, havspindel

a fast and agile arachnid that actively hunts its prey rather than relying on web-building, using its speed and vision to capture insects

jägarspindel, jaktspindel

a type of arachnid belonging to the orb-weaver family, characterized by its ability to spin intricate circular webs in outdoor spaces

trädgårdspindel, orb-web spindel

an arachnid with comb-like bristles on its hind legs, known for constructing irregular cobwebs

kamfotad spindel, spindel med kammar

a visually striking orb-weaving spider with black and yellow markings that constructs intricate webs

svart och gyllene trädgårdsspindel, svart och gul orb-vävande spindel

a brownish-yellow spider that makes round webs, often found in barns or other buildings

ladugårdspindel, ladorpindel

an arachnid with a long whip-like tail and pincer-like front legs known for its nocturnal hunting habits and typically harmless nature towards humans

pisklussskorpion, piskskorpion

any small parasitic arachnid that feeds on the blood of warm-blooded vertebrates

fästing, parasit

a small arachnid known for transmitting Lyme disease and other tick-borne illnesses

hjortticka, deertick

a blood-sucking arachnid with a tough exoskeleton that can transmit diseases

hård tick, svår tick

a small arachnid that infests the skin of animals and humans during its larval stage

skördebroms, skördemyr

a tiny arachnid that infests plants, feeding on their tissues and causing damage

spinnkvalster, spindelmiljön

a tiny arthropod that infests plants, causing damage and a rust-like appearance on leaves, often spreading plant diseases

rostmjöll, växtspindlar

a tiny parasitic arachnid that infests the skin, causing intense itching and skin irritation in humans and animals

klåda kvalster, klåda mygg

a slender arachnid with long legs that lives on tree trunks

långbent spindel, daddy longlegs