Boken Face2face - Övre mellannivå - Enhet 9 - 9C
Här hittar du vokabulären från Enhet 9 - 9C i Face2Face Upper-Intermediate kursbok, såsom "handtag", "examination", "sinne" osv.
to deal with a situation or problem successfully
hantera något framgångsrikt
to show the place or direction of someone or something by holding out a finger or an object
pekar på någon eller något
the process of looking closely at something to see if there are any issues
(often used in negative or question form) to be upset, offended, or bothered by something
blir upprörd
to feel the existence of something by touch or other sensory perceptions, excluding sight or hearing
a container made of paper or plastic material used for holding and carrying a customer's purchased items
to clearly and formally express something in speech or writing
påstå något