Boken Total English - Övre mellannivå - Enhet 9 – Lektion 2
Här hittar du vokabulären från enhet 9 - Lektion 2 i Total English Upper-Intermediate-kursboken, som "far-fetched", "present-wrap", "fireproof", etc.
(of a person) approximately between 45 to 65 years old, typically indicating a stage of life between young adulthood and old age

medelålders, i medelåldern

unable to speak clearly or express oneself due to nervousness, shyness, or confusion

tungomål, blyg

to wrap a gift in decorative paper or materials to create an attractive and personalized presentation

slå in, packa in

resistant to melting under high temperatures, catching fire, or burning

eldfast, brandsäker

a system of using different colors to represent or indicate different categories, values, or information

färgkod, färgsystem