
Samhälle, Lag och Politik - Samhälle & Politik

Upptäck hur engelska ordspråk som "tiggare fruktar inget uppror" och "det krävs alla möjliga för att skapa en värld" skildrar samhälle och politik på engelska.







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Society, Law, & Politics
happy is the country which has no history

used to imply that a nation that has experienced little conflict or turmoil in its past is likely to be more stable, peaceful, and prosperous in the present and future

lyckligt är landet som inte har någon historia

lyckligt är landet som inte har någon historia

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my country, right or wrong

used to imply unconditional loyalty and support for one's country, regardless of its actions or policies

mitt land, rätt eller fel

mitt land, rätt eller fel

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a language is a dialect with an army and (a) navy

used to imply that the distinction between a language and a dialect is often determined by political power and influence rather than inherent linguistic differences

ett språk är en dialekt med en armé och en flotta

ett språk är en dialekt med en armé och en flotta

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we are all Adam's children, but silk makes (all) the difference

used to imply that all human beings are equal in their fundamental nature or origin, but social status or external factors like wealth and privilege can create significant distinctions or disparities among them

vi är alla Adams barn, men siden gör stor skillnad

vi är alla Adams barn, men siden gör stor skillnad

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a cat may look at a king

used to imply that everyone has fundamental rights and freedoms, regardless of their social status or position, and that no one is above the law or immune to scrutiny

en katt kan titta på en kung

en katt kan titta på en kung

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big fish eat little fish

used to imply that in many situations, those who have more power or resources can exploit or dominate those who have less

stora fiskar äter små fiskar

stora fiskar äter små fiskar

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disobedience is the true foundation of liberty

used to emphasize the need for individuals or groups to stand up against oppressive systems, structures, or regimes in order to secure and promote freedom

olydnad är den sanna grunden för frihet

olydnad är den sanna grunden för frihet

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beggars fear no rebellion

used to suggest that those who have nothing to lose, such as beggars, may be more fearless and willing to take risks, including participating in rebellion or uprising

tiggare fruktar inget uppror

tiggare fruktar inget uppror

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it takes all sorts to make a world

used to imply that diversity and individual differences among people are necessary for the world to function and thrive

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a great city, a great solitude

used to imply that urban life can lead to feelings of loneliness and isolation due to the difficulty of forming meaningful social connections

en stor stad, en stor ensamhet

en stor stad, en stor ensamhet

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