Djur - Hästar
Här kommer du att lära dig namnen på hästar på engelska som "steed", "zebra" och "ponny".
an animal, especially a horse that has an even mixture of white and colored hair on its coat

roan, randig

a horse that is specifically used for riding and is usually light in weight

ridponny, ridande häst

a small, sturdy horse with a short body and strong legs, often used for riding or driving

stark pony, kort häst

a saddle horse used for transportation rather than sport etc.

sadelhäst, transporthäst

A horse of low quality, often considered old or worn-out

gammal häst, lågkvalitativ häst

a large breed of draft horse, typically used for pulling heavy loads and agricultural work

shirehäst, shire draghäst

a horse that shares a stable or a horse that is kept in the same stable as another

stallkamrat, självstall

A breed of horse developed for racing and characterized by speed, agility, and a long, slim body

fullblod, tävlingshäst

a horse that is trained for battle or used by soldiers in a war

krigshäst, stridshäst

a horse that lives in the wild, is not domesticated, and has adapted to living in the wild

vildhäst, ohemad häst

a tough animal that lives in Asia and Africa, has a fawn-colored coat, and eats plants

vild åsna, asiatisk åsna

a small, hardy breed of horse developed by the Nez Perce tribe of the Pacific Northwest

cayuse, cayusehäst

a large draft horse breed originating in Scotland, known for its strength, size, and feathering on the lower legs


a breed of horse known for its elegant movement and high-stepping gait

hackney, hackneyhäst

an athletic, and gentle breed of horse developed in the late 18th and early 19th centuries in the United States by Justin Morgan

morgan, Morganhäst

a breed of draft horse originally from the Perche region of France, known for its strength, size, and agility

percheron, percheronhäst

a breed of horse characterized by its spotted coat pattern and often used in western riding


a color pattern found in horses, characterized by large, irregular patches of white and another color


the offspring of a male horse and a female donkey, characterized by its smaller size and longer ears than a horse


a species of zebra, scientifically known as Equus zebra, native to the mountainous regions of Southwestern Africa

bergzebra, bergsspringare

a large, endangered species of zebra with narrow stripes and a distinctive white belly

Grevyzebra, Grevyzebra (utrotningshotad art)

a wild animal that lives in Africa, which is like a horse, with black-and-white stripes on its body


a hybrid animal that is the result of crossbreeding a zebra stallion with a horse mare, resulting in an animal with distinctive striped markings on its body and traits from both parent species

zorse, zebrahäst

a hybrid animal that is the result of crossbreeding a zebra with a donkey, resulting in an animal with characteristics of both species, including a striped coat and long ears
