
En Yaygın 500 İngilizce Fiil - En önemli 301 - 325 Fiil

Burada, "kid", "invite" ve "order" gibi İngilizce'de en yaygın kullanılan fiiller listesinin 13. bölümü sunulmaktadır.


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Most Common Verbs in English Vocabulary
to cheat

to win or gain an advantage in a game, competition, etc. by breaking rules or acting unfairly

hile yapmak

hile yapmak

to kid

to joke about something, often by giving false or inaccurate information

espri yapmak

espri yapmak

to capture

to catch an animal or a person and keep them as a prisoner

tutsak etmek, esir etmek

tutsak etmek, esir etmek

to explore

to visit places one has never seen before

keşfetmek, ziyaret etmek

keşfetmek, ziyaret etmek

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to establish

to create a company or organization with the intention of running it over the long term

kurmak, tesis etmek

kurmak, tesis etmek

to approach

to go close or closer to something or someone



to invite

to make a formal or friendly request to someone to come somewhere or join something

davet etmek

davet etmek

to announce

to make plans or decisions known by officially telling people about them



to order

to ask for something, especially food, drinks, services, etc. in a restaurant, bar, or shop

sipariş vermek

sipariş vermek

to tie

to attach or connect two things by a rope, band, etc.



to divide

to separate people or things into two or more groups, parts, etc.

bölmek, ayırmak

bölmek, ayırmak

to ensure

to make sure that something will happen

emin olmak

emin olmak

to bury

to put a dead person or animal beneath the ground



to celebrate

to do something special such as dancing or drinking that shows one is happy for an event



to tap

to hit someone or something gently, often with a few quick light blows

hafif hafif vurmak

hafif hafif vurmak

to press

to push a thing tightly against something else

basmak,  sıkmak

basmak, sıkmak

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to express

to show or make a thought, feeling, etc. known by looks, words, or actions

ifade etmek

ifade etmek

to bend

to make something straight become curved or folded

eğmek, bükmek

eğmek, bükmek

to hire

to pay someone to do a job

(birini) işe almak, istihdam etmek

(birini) işe almak, istihdam etmek

to chop

to cut something into pieces using a knife, etc.



to shake

to cause someone or something to move up and down or from one side to the other with short rapid movements

sarsmak, çalkalamak

sarsmak, çalkalamak

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to operate

to function in a specific way

çalışmak, işlemek

çalışmak, işlemek

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to generate

to cause or give rise to something

üretmek, sebeb olmak

üretmek, sebeb olmak

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to cross

to go across or to the other side of something

karşıya geçmek

karşıya geçmek

to breathe

to take air into one's lungs and let it out again

nefes almak

nefes almak

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