500 Πιο Συνηθισμένα Ρήματα στα Αγγλικά - Κορυφαία 301 - 325 Ρήματα
Εδώ σας παρέχεται το μέρος 13 της λίστας με τα πιο κοινά ρήματα στα αγγλικά, όπως "kid", "invite" και "order".
to cheat
to win or gain an advantage in a game, competition, etc. by breaking rules or acting unfairly
to establish
to create a company or organization with the intention of running it over the long term
to order
to ask for something, especially food, drinks, services, etc. in a restaurant, bar, or shop
to celebrate
to do something special such as dancing or drinking that shows one is happy for an event

Λήψη εφαρμογής LanGeek