Kitap Interchange - Orta Altı - Ünite 3 - Bölüm 3
Burada Interchange Pre-Intermediate ders kitabındaki Ünite 3 - Bölüm 3'teki "sertifika", "tak", "çekici" vb. kelimeleri bulacaksınız.
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Flash kartlar
to want or choose one person or thing instead of another because of liking them more

tercih etmek
used to introduce a statement that provides additional information or emphasizes the truth or reality of a situation

a unit used in North America and Britain for measuring land area that equals 4047 square meters or 4840 square yards

to make or have an image of something in our mind

akılda canlandırmak, hayal etmek, düşlemek
to feel upset and nervous because we think about bad things that might happen to us or our problems

an official document that states one has successfully passed an exam or completed a course of study

each of the twenty-four time periods that exist in a day and each time period is made up of sixty minutes

in a manner that displays one's tolerance of difficulties, delays, and bad behaviors without becoming annoyed or angry

a piece of paper or card that shows you can do or get something, like ride on a bus or attend an event

a protected area of land where wild animals can live without being hunted or disturbed by human activities

doğal koruma alanı
a light, soft shoe with a rubber sole, worn for sports or casual occasions

spor ayakkabı