
'Together', 'Against', 'Apart' ve diğerleri Kullanılarak Yapılan Phrasal Verbs - Bir Eylem Gerçekleştirme (Karşı ve Üstüne)


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Öğrenmeye başla
Phrasal Verbs With 'Together', 'Against', 'Apart', & others
to count against

to be considered as a negative factor or disadvantage, potentially leading to a failure of a person or a situation

to go against

to oppose or resist someone or something

karşı çıkmak

karşı çıkmak

to run against

to oppose or have an effect that is not helpful toward someone or something

birine veya bir şeye karşı çıkmak

birine veya bir şeye karşı çıkmak

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to side against

to oppose a person or group in an argument and take a contrary stance or position



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to take against

to start to dislike someone or something

birini veya bir şeyi sevmemeye başlamak

birini veya bir şeyi sevmemeye başlamak

to turn against

to develop opposition or hostility toward something or someone once supported or favored

to get onto

to comprehend something, typically after initial difficulty

to go onto

to proceed to the next step or stage of something

to open onto

(of an area, door, or window) to provide direct access or a view to another area

to set against

to cause someone to become opposed or hostile toward a friend, relative, ally, etc.

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