Phrasal Verbs Folosind 'Together', 'Against', 'Apart', & altele - Efectuarea unei acțiuni (împotriva și împotriva)
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to be considered as a negative factor or disadvantage, potentially leading to a failure of a person or a situation
a conta împotriva, a fi considerat un dezavantaj
to oppose or have an effect that is not helpful toward someone or something
a se opune, a se confrunta cu
to oppose a person or group in an argument and take a contrary stance or position
a se opune, a lua parte împotriva
to start to dislike someone or something
a începe să nu-ți placă, a avea o repulsie față de
to develop opposition or hostility toward something or someone once supported or favored
a se întoarce împotriva, a se ridica împotriva
to comprehend something, typically after initial difficulty
a înțelege, a cuprinde
to proceed to the next step or stage of something
trece la, continua cu
(of an area, door, or window) to provide direct access or a view to another area
se deschide către, ofere acces la
to cause someone to become opposed or hostile toward a friend, relative, ally, etc.
a pune împotriva, a opune