an intense and irrational fear toward a specific thing such as an object, situation, concept, or animal

an unreasonable dislike or prejudice against strangers or people of a different nation


(astrology) a diagram of the twelve celestial segments and associated signs used to interpret how celestial bodies' positions at birth may affect one's life and personality

зодіак, знак зодіаку

related to or associated with the zodiac or the twelve astrological signs

зодіакальний, астрологічний

to annoy someone by intentionally or persistently bothering them with small, annoying actions or behaviors

дратувати, досаджувати

the state or quality of feeling annoyed, worried, or frustrated

розчарування, незадоволення

the act or instance of deviating or straying from a course or path

блукання, відхилення

the act of spreading or moving apart in different directions

розбіжність, девіація

moving or developing in different directions from a common point or origin

далісний, відмінний

an activity or form of entertainment that provides amusement or distraction

розвага, відволікання

the presence of a wide range of different elements or qualities within a group or system
