Книга Top Notch Основи B - Розділ 12 - Урок 3
Тут ви знайдете лексику з Розділу 12 - Уроку 3 підручника Top Notch Fundamentals B, як-от «запропонувати», «лягти», «кашляти» тощо.
to mention an idea, proposition, plan, etc. for further consideration or possible action

a treatment or medicine for a disease or to reduce pain that is not severe

засіб, ліки

a mild disease that we usually get when viruses affect our body and make us cough, sneeze, or have fever

a condition when you feel pain in the throat, usually caused by bacteria or viruses

біль у горлі
a condition in which the nose produces an excessive amount of fluid or mucus, often as a result of a cold or allergy

нежить, соплі

to consume a drug, medication, or substance in a specified manner, such as swallowing, inhaling, or injecting

приймати, вживати