책 Top Notch 기초 B - 단원 12 - 레슨 3
여기서는 "제안", "누워", "기침" 등과 같은 Top Notch Fundamentals B 코스북의 단원 12 - 3과의 어휘를 찾을 수 있습니다.
to suggest
to mention an idea, proposition, plan, etc. for further consideration or possible action

제안하다, 제시하다

a mild disease that we usually get when viruses affect our body and make us cough, sneeze, or have fever

감기, 콧감기

sore throat
a condition when you feel pain in the throat, usually caused by bacteria or viruses

인후통, 목 통증

runny nose
a condition in which the nose produces an excessive amount of fluid or mucus, often as a result of a cold or allergy

콧물, 비염


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